
How to withdraw euro from Binance?

How to withdraw Euro from Binance - Levelheaded

How to withdraw Euro from Binance?

Annoying isn’t it? That you can’t wire Euro from Binance to your bank account. We thought exactly the same, that’s why we will explain in this article how you can withdraw Euro from Binance to your bank account. Luckily there is still a way. 

Binance is on fire for a while now, because of regulations some payment providers decided to cancel their cooperation with Binance. Because of this it’s impossible to wire SEPA-transfers in some European countries in or out of Binance. 

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Table of contents:

  1.  Sign up on Coinbase or Bitvavo
  2.  Convert your crypto to XLM
  3.  Send your XLM to Coinbase or Bitvavo
  4.  Convert your XLM to Euro
  5.  Wire the Euro’s to your bank account

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Sign up on Coinbase or Bitvavo

Coinbase is one the most friendly crypto exchanges that’s out there. They are a reliable party with over 73 million users. Luckily you can still transfer money from Coinbase to your bank account. To start on coinbase you need to sign up at the regular coinbase.com.

Another reliable exchange is Bitvavo, at both exchanges you can transfer funds to your bank account and the fees are somewhat the same. Bitvavo also has a friendly userinterface and is available in the EU. 

Now available! Personal help with one of the Levelheaded experts, within 10 minutes we help you with cashing out crypto from Binance to your bank. Check it out in our webshop!

Convert your crypto to XLM

When you are going to transfer your crypto to another exhange you want to pay the least amount of transaction costs. This is where XLM will help you with, it’s the crypto with the lowest transfer fees and it almost instants transfers. So no waiting times. Convert your crypto to XLM on Binance.

Send your XLM to Coinbase or Bitvavo

This is the important part, you do this by going to ”wallet” inside your Binance account. There you select ”withdraw” and select XLM. If you made it this far it’s time to go to your Coinbase or Bitvavo account. There you go to wallet or portfolio and select deposit and then XLM. 

Copy the adress and the memo! Don’t forget the memo, this can lead to permanent loss of your crypto. As soon as you filled both and you transferred the funds they should arrive in your account within minutes. 

Convert your XLM to Euro

Go to trade and select XLM-EUR. You can choose for a limit order or a market order. If you choose for a market order your XLM will be immediately sold. With a limit order you may choose at what price the order should fill. 

Wire the Euro's to your bank account

If you finished every step as described in this article you should have Euro’s now in your account. Now you have 2 options how to transfer the funds to your bank account at Coinbase. You can wire the euro’s with a SEPA-transfer to your bank account. The fee is €0.20 cent. 

The other option at Coinbase is to transfer the funds with PayPal. The benefit with PayPal is that the transfer is completed immediately. So you don’t have to wait a day. Wiring Euro’s from Binance has become a bit tougher, but with this solution it’s once again made simple. 

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. If you need any help just send us a message our book a call with one of our experts. If you liked reading this article you may share it with your friends. 

Last updated on 9th of March 20:59

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